Posts Tagged ‘idiocy’

Jets’ Pizza Marketer’s are Idiot’s! AKA: “Apostrophe Asses”

March 17, 2009


I’ve had it with the abuse’s that keep piling up on the English language, like Mr. Smith’s on top of Neo.

I look to reputable companie’s to help set the record straight. Y’know, keep us all on the beaten path. Sure, there’s[sic] alway’s a few straggler’s (Toys R Us — i can’t even type the “R” backward’s) but, for the most part, wer’e, gonna stay together.

So, I order a pizza from the national chain, Jets Pizza, and I see this:

Hat's off to the Idiot's Savant's at Jet's

Hat's off to the Idiot's Savant's at Jets'

Now, is it just me, or does this send ANYONE ELSE into apoplectic fit’s?

Did ANYONE at Jets bother to PROOF READ these boxe’s, before they were MASS PRODUCED and distributed to their franchisee’s? I can just hear it, “Well, “Jet’s” has an apostrophe-s, so “Boats” has to have one, too. Otherwise, its no good English!”

Did whatever genius who BRAIN-STORMED the idea of creating the “Jet’s Boat’s” and “Deli Boat’s”  simply MISS those grammar lesson’s back in 2ND OR 3RD GRADE? Or was this a [shudder!] graphic artists mistake? Still — SOME nimrod had to approve it!! Were they seated too close to the pizza oven so that their brain’s fried? I mean, you KNOW whomever let this slip past — you KNOW they misuse APOSTROPHE “S” in ALL of their writing’s. Or is it just in locally distributed marketing collateral? God only  know’s what other abuse’s they impose on my beloved English! They probably confuse “too” with “to” and “there” with “their” and “they’re”, etc. (DON’T GET ME STARTED!)

Its about time SOMEone bitch-slapped the company and “sign-off” person(‘s) who OK’d this howling gaff.

It might as well be me.

Thank’s for reading.