Archive for the ‘Rants’ Category


February 11, 2010

I LOVE this guy’s post, which I’ve lovingly retitled:
Stop Your Damn Whining, You Crybabies!

Gawd! How I revel at hearing (and especially reading the posts of) crybabies!

I hope they can hear the horn of the ClueBus over their whines of self-martyrdom! Most can’t can’t even put together a sentence without howling grammatical and spelling errors. It’s stunning to see such illiteracy as:

“I’m not writing my life according to dication!” [sic]

“…my success will the sweetest revenge…” [sic] — So, I guess “success” is defined as “You want fries that?”[sic]

Stupid people crack me up. I’m stupid sometimes; that’s why I crack myself up. But stupidity on display cracks me up regardless of whether it’s me or someone else. I love when someone asks for “solutions” and then, when you show them a solution, they either complain that they don’t like it (or, more often, are too much of a mental midget to comprehend the lesson) and then start complaining that ‘you don’t understand’, or ‘are condescending to them’ or any other litany of reasons that justify them holding onto their petty and pathetic excuses for why they continue to fail.

I’m so glad (and so, too, those special someones should be) that I don’t get to choose who makes it in life and who doesn’t. Even so, there will always be people who see themselves as victims and who are too goddamn stupid, lazy and self-centered to see the larger picture. And the same hypocrites who whine, “You shouldn’t judge!” are the same morons who pass sweeping judgments of whomever criticizes what they do or what they believe. I judge. And I judge these particular zeros harshly because, to them, it’s easier — in fact, ritual — to fix the blame rather than to try to fix the problem. Boo-frakkin’-hoo.

These folks are Dimwit Smallbrain toddlers and will always need to be handled with kidd gloves, otherwise they’ll scream, “Discrimination!!” and demand equality of outcome because they don’t have the mental capacity to compete with the fighters, who [sniff! sniff!] don’t understand, and shouldn’t judge and [sniff!] have had all the breaks and.. [bwaaaahhhhh!!!!!]

For their benefit, here’s a pat on their head (hopefully, avoiding the spot upon which they were dropped as a child): “There, there. Smallbrain! I understand. Life’s too hard for you. You’re the ONLY one to have had so many challenges and tough times. Poor baby! Everything’s gonna be alright. I have SO MUCH compassion for you! You just have to be given more time to get things done, dontcha? You just need a widdle lenancy[sic] on whether your work is acceptable or not? You need me to lower the bar of expectations so you can slither over it instead of jumping like all those others have had to do!” The reality is this: under-achievers are excuse-making magicians, always ready to pull out of a hat a reason why they CAN’T and SHOULDN’T be held to as high of standards as others because, why? Their life is tough? They’ve had it rough? Those are losers’ laments.

To the Dimwit Smallbrain, I say this: I accept that that’s all you’ve got. The challenge is, how long will you accept that from yourself? Like the saying goes, ‘If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough. So (for you, in particular, Smallwit) wear a helmet.’

And, if anyone is quick to dismiss or discount the above, or whatever it is that a tiny mind does to pith and wisdom, then that’s okay. Here’s one gem that’s sure to ring clear: “The world needs ditch-diggers, too!”

I’ve Got Your Number; it’s … Hunh???

May 25, 2009

Is it me or is there a natural rhythm to how one should recite a phone number, y’know, once that person reaches a level of maturity and ought to know better?

I’m talking about how some individuals I know give out their — or others’ — phone numbers in a rhythm that COMPLETELY RENDERS THE NUMBER AS 32-BIT ENCRYPTED GIBBERISH.

Have you ever heard anyone give you a phone number like this? “Oh, my phone number? Sure! It’s 25 [pause] 513 [pause] 65 [pause] 977.”

I’m completely rendered BRAIN DEAD when this happens. Some people joke that this must obviously happen to me every day, but I rarely laugh when they say it. Some jokes aren’t that funny.

So, what is it that makes someone give out numbers in this manner? I mean, these folks aren’t from different cultures, like Uzbekistania, where this rhythm (and above phone number) is not only cultural but actually part of their National Anthem.

I’m speaking about the UPS driver or gas station dude who casually tosses out a number for which you asked. And then all hell breaks loose.

It’s like:

HIM: “Their number is ’24-8451-…”

ME: [in a silent panic] “OMG!! WHAT THE HELL!? IS HE STARTING WITH A COUNTRY CODE?! Is he a physicist? Is there something I needed to drink before hearing this? Did the metric system that they promised me would replace the English measurement system in 10 years (some 35 years ago) finally hit? WHY DIDN’T SOMEONE WARN ME?

HIM: “uhhh… you all right? You look like one of those cartoon characters with the squiggly line for a mouth…”

ME: [too shamed to speak my truth] “Uhh.. no. Thanks! I’ll call right now! Operators are probably standing by!”

I think there should be a law or at least public flogging for breaking the natural “Di-di-di [pause] di-di-di [pause] di-di [pause — optional] di-di.” Otherwise, how will society stay civilized? This sort of deviancy should be categorized under “General Nuisances” or something that approximates that. Certainly, there must be something like this category on the books already. I’d call and find out, but the number I wrote down from that guy at the gas station always connects me to someone with an Uzbekistanian accent.

At least that’s what it sounds like to me.

I’m too ashamed to ask.

Jets’ Pizza Marketer’s are Idiot’s! AKA: “Apostrophe Asses”

March 17, 2009


I’ve had it with the abuse’s that keep piling up on the English language, like Mr. Smith’s on top of Neo.

I look to reputable companie’s to help set the record straight. Y’know, keep us all on the beaten path. Sure, there’s[sic] alway’s a few straggler’s (Toys R Us — i can’t even type the “R” backward’s) but, for the most part, wer’e, gonna stay together.

So, I order a pizza from the national chain, Jets Pizza, and I see this:

Hat's off to the Idiot's Savant's at Jet's

Hat's off to the Idiot's Savant's at Jets'

Now, is it just me, or does this send ANYONE ELSE into apoplectic fit’s?

Did ANYONE at Jets bother to PROOF READ these boxe’s, before they were MASS PRODUCED and distributed to their franchisee’s? I can just hear it, “Well, “Jet’s” has an apostrophe-s, so “Boats” has to have one, too. Otherwise, its no good English!”

Did whatever genius who BRAIN-STORMED the idea of creating the “Jet’s Boat’s” and “Deli Boat’s”  simply MISS those grammar lesson’s back in 2ND OR 3RD GRADE? Or was this a [shudder!] graphic artists mistake? Still — SOME nimrod had to approve it!! Were they seated too close to the pizza oven so that their brain’s fried? I mean, you KNOW whomever let this slip past — you KNOW they misuse APOSTROPHE “S” in ALL of their writing’s. Or is it just in locally distributed marketing collateral? God only  know’s what other abuse’s they impose on my beloved English! They probably confuse “too” with “to” and “there” with “their” and “they’re”, etc. (DON’T GET ME STARTED!)

Its about time SOMEone bitch-slapped the company and “sign-off” person(‘s) who OK’d this howling gaff.

It might as well be me.

Thank’s for reading.